9 Buttercup Lane, Blandford Forum, DT11 7LQ 07881 360980 / 01258 454935

Window Cleaner in Blandford Forum – getting a better finish with purified water

The above image is highlighting the different finishes that can be expected with the different methods of window cleaning.

On the left side is a slightly 'greyed' finish, with lots of grey spots on the glass. On the right-hand side is a finish that can be achieved using the purified water through the water fed pole approach to window cleaning.

It is no wonder why most of Maximum Clean's window cleaning customers opt for the purified water service. As the image shows, the difference is very noticeable and the image on the right literally looks to be gleaming and sparkling in comparison.

If you are looking for a Window Cleaner in Blandford Forum you can get in touch with us by phoning us, dropping us a text or by filling out the contact form on our website.

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